7 Essential Activities To Create Positive Well-being - Tips For Early Childhood Educators - EduTribe

7 Essential Activities To Create Positive Well-being – Tips For Early Childhood Educators

While there is lots of information on what it takes to keep our bodies healthy, there is not as much focus on what we need to keep our minds healthy.
Ensuring balance and a focus on keeping mentally fit is vitally important for happy, healthy lives and achieving goals in our personal life and career. Oh, how much we need this!

To improve awareness of the importance of dedicating time to mental health and wellbeing, neuroscientists David Rock and Dan Siegal created a healthy mind platter made up of seven essential daily activities to help us keep the balance.

Think of it as your daily nutrition guide for healthy brain and overall well-being.

1. Focus

When we closely focus on tasks in a goal-oriented way, we take on challenges that make deep connections in the brain.

2. Play

When we allow ourselves to be spontaneous or creative, playfully enjoying novel experiences, we help make new connections in the brain.

3. Connecting

When we connect with other people, ideally in person, and when we take time to appreciate our connection to the natural world around us, we activate and reinforce the brain’s relational circuitry.

4. Physical Activities

When we move our bodies, aerobically if medically possible, we strengthen the brain in many ways.

5. Time In

When we quietly reflect internally, focusing on sensations, images, feelings and thoughts, we help to better integrate the brain.

6. Down Time

When we are non-focused, without any specific goal, and let our mind wander or simply relax, we help the brain recharge.

7. Sleep

When we give the brain the rest it needs, we consolidate learning and recover from the experiences of the day.


Take a few moments to reflect on these seven essential mental activities and consider where you might benefit for dedicating a little extra time to optimize your brain.


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