Critical Reflection - EduTribe

Critical Reflection for Early Childhood Educators

Critical Reflection - free Webinar for Early Childhood Educators | EduTribe
"This is so wonderful!
I am watching it at the moment and it is exceptionally thorough."
– Ashleigh / Newcastle, NSW

Critical Reflection - Webinar for Early Childhood Educators

with Elsa Norvill

We asked Elsa Norvill, a Learning and Development Specialist at One Tree Community Services, to answer our most hot questions about Critical Reflection and received clear and very actionable answers.

Here are just some of the topics you will hear during the webinar:

- What is the difference between Critical Reflection and Reflective Practice?
- How often should we be reflecting?
- How should we document Critical Reflection?
- How do we use Critical Reflection in our programming?
- How can we embed Critical Reflection as an exceeding theme in our QIP?
- How to encourage Critical Reflection without always a negative spin?
- Should we have a bank of questions?
- How do you use communication with families & feedback as part of our Reflective Practice?
- What cycle is best used when critical reflecting?

Duration: 35 min
Price: Free
Certificate of participation: available 

Please note, we issue certificates monthly. Once you successfully complete the quiz (83% and above) you will hear from us within 30 days.

If you have not received an email from EduTribe, it might be for 4 reasons:
1. The email address you provided in the quiz was incorrect
2. Your score is lower than 83%
3. It is less than 30 days since you completed the quiz.
4. An email with the certificate landed in your spam folder. In this case, look for an email from EduTribe.

We look forward to receiving your quiz results! 


  • telesiaioane06
    Hi Elena thank you very much for such a amazing and helpful presentation. So please can you issue me a certificate for work please. Thanks Telesia
    • Elena
      Hi Telesia, I've sent you an email with the instructions and the quiz. Let me know if you haven't received it, I'll try to help.
  • Leanne Adamson
    Hi, I watched the training webinar and would like to say I found it very informative, thank you so much . I completed the quiz but have not yet received a certificate. Thanks
    • Elena
      Hi Leanne, we issue certificates once a week. You will receive it via email.
  • Sangeetha
    Hi, I watched the training webinar and completed the quiz at yesterday but have not yet received my certificate. Thanks
  • Sarah
    Hi Elena I did the quiz but I still never got my certificate.?
    • Elena
      Hi Sarah, could you please check the email you gave us in the quiz? I sent you information on June 5th.
  • Tanima
    I sent a request to watch webinar. But i have not received the link.
    • Elena
      Hi Tanima, we issue certificates once in two weeks now. Our next issue day is July 3rd. If you completed the quiz successfully you will receive a certificate then :)
  • Nalika
    I signed up for the critical reflection webinar but unfortunately didn't receive an email to listen to it.
  • Lynnette Brown
    Hi, i have just finished watching the this very informative webinar, how do i do the quiz now?
  • Gloria
    Hi, I have completed the quiz last week but I am still waiting for the certificate. Thank you
  • Very helpful webinar, thank you so much Elena. I can’t find the link for the test, could you send me the link please.
  • Jennifer Boote
    Hi Elena, I have watched the webinar on Critical Reflection. Could I please have the quiz to do and then receive my certificate. Thankyou

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